
Children’s literature

I.                   At the beginning, 3 questions help us to define …

A.    What it is? àWhat’s children’s literature?

B.     What’s that for?

C.     Why should we care?

*Literature include… Fiction, Poetry, Drama

II.                What’s children’s literature?

  1. A.    Definition
  1. B.     Genre
  1. C.     Classics
    1. a.      Wonderful wizard of OZ
    1. b.      The Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales (安徒生童話)
    1. c.       The Brothers Grimm folk tales (格林童話)
    1. d.      Charles Perrault fairy tales (貝洛童話)

*In 1697 he published Tales and Stories of the Past with Morals subtitled Tales of Mother Goose 

* Perrault’s fairy tales include…

1. Little Red Riding Hood

2. Cinderella

3. Puss in Boots

4. The Sleeping Beauty

5. Bluebeard

*Many of Perrault's stories were rewritten by the Brothers Grimm.

  1. e.       Peter Rabbit
  2. D.    More
  3. E.      
  4. III.             More information

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